A lot of this week was spent cooking again for the 15 new missionaries who arrived on Thursday, October 22nd. We set the food up at the institute building while all of the mission leaders drove a fleet of trucks to the airport to collect tired and culture shocked missionaries.
Here the missionaries are gathered in a circle with President and Sister Weir to receive instructions on the important things they need to know right away. After eating they all had a chance to bear their testimonies. We weren't able to hear them because we had to hurry back to teach our class. Later that evening Elder Sumner was able to sign them all on to computers in one of the labs so they could send their first email messages home.
Friday night the students planned a farewell celebration for Lita. Despite the pouring rain, everyone stayed and put on a beautiful program. The school is organized into houses that are named after prophets of the church. Each house prepared a presentation, decorated a cake and presented gifts to Lita. She has worked at Moroni since she was a 23 year old returned missionary. She has been principal for thirteen of the twenty-six years she has worked at Moroni High School. It's hard to imagine Moroni without Lita.

This is one of the cakes that the students decorated. There were six couples sitting in the front so they had each of us cut one cake.

Lita and her husband cut the cake after being garlanded and presented with many gifts. Lita is wearing several layers of shirts and lava lava's.
Saturday morning was the Young Women In Excellence program. Girls from all of the wards in the East Stake met at the chapel. They decorated the classrooms with things they had accomplished while working on their personal progress then had a spiritual meeting with President Banemone as the main speaker. He reminded the girls of the message President Pearson gave last week to know who they are and to stay true to the gospel.
This is the table in the room we decorated. Sister Solomone did most of the work. I supplied pictures that I had taken of the girls during the year.
This is an example of the decorations that were done. Notice that everything is woven from the leaves of the Pandanus trees. I am constantly amazed at the beautiful work they are able to do with just the materials nature provides.
This room was set up by another ward. Notice the table full of goodies. They sold many of the things that the girls made and a variety of food. The money was donated to the stake mission fund that is sadly in the red. There are so many young men and women here who have no support from anyone to help them serve missions, that it is difficult for the local wards to keep up.
There was a fashion show and talent show as part of the program. Just like girls everywhere, the girls participating were anxious to have their hair and makeup done.
These are the Sister Missionaries who were good sports and modeled with no advance warning.
Each ward was assigned a type of apparel and had three girls model. These girls are modeling Sunday Best.
While I was at the Young Women's program, Elder Sumner attended another baptism in the ocean behind our apartment. The Elders were unable to use the font because the Young Women were using all of the rooms.
Elder Smith told me that they were able to use the ocean because the tide happened to be just right. When the tide is low, it is dry clear out to the reef. When the tide is high, it pounds on the sea wall.
Last of all, Elder Afatasi, one of our favorite missionaries, stopped by this afternoon to get his suit. He is leaving for Kritimati (Christmas) Island tomorrow and will go home from there next February, just a few days before we leave. He gave us both necklaces that his mother had made for him to give away. He admitted that they were supposed to be for a couple who had gone home some months ago so he gave them to us instead. I told him to tell his mother that the best thing she gave us was her son because he is such a wonderful missionary.
I have been reading a book by Elder Holland. He spoke in one of his talks about the challenging times we live in. Let me leave you with this parting thought from the book:
"Be true and faithful. Live your religion. Stand straight and be firm--and if there's a little wind blowing, just put your face into the wind and go forward. And when you can't go forward, just stand. Just plant your feet and stand immovable for a while if that's all you can do. Be faithful and be true and love the Lord, because He loves you"
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